Friday, April 7, 2017

April 7, 2017

Hello Fish Families!

Mr. Fosher has asked me to pass along information about an exciting opportunity for SMS kindergarten students. This year 20 children have been invited to sing/recite a poem at the Exeter High School graduation on Friday, 6/16. He would like 2 boys and 2 girls from each kindergarten class to participate. More information will follow about rehearsals, but the children and parent (if you choose) are bused from SMS to EHS and back. The children are only there for the song/poem. Please email me if you would like to be a part of this.

Visual Arts: We made umbrella sun catchers and are working on coffee filter spring flowers.

Readers' Workshop: We began our last reading unit, "Becoming Avid Readers".  Avid readers read a lot. They read everywhere and can't stop reading. They have a stack of books-in-waiting. We are working on being avid readers during reading time. 

Writers' Workshop: The children are writing "How To" pieces. They are planning the steps to the teaching books across their fingers. We learned about how many "How To" books include a list of materials needed. The children are using first, next, then and last in their writing.

Math Workshop: We have been working on subtraction this week. We played a game "Disappearing Train" focusing on counting backwards, taking away, and the subtraction symbol. Please continue to practice counting backwards from 20-0 with your children when you can. The children also played a fun attribute game. 

Up-Coming Events:

Word of the Week- on
Handwriting- f and q
Early Release- Wednesday, 4/12
April Vacation- 4/24-4/28

Donation Requests:

  • Flour for our texture table


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