Friday, October 6, 2017

October 6, 2017

Hi Fish Families!

The weeks seem to be flying by. I can't believe it's already Columbus Day Weekend! Thank you for the support with today's bubble gum day. Gum can often be a "tool" for students, so I like to provide an opportunity for all students to experience it if they want to. Also, a huge thank you to our Music Hall chaperones this week. What a great show we saw!

Visual Arts: The room is beginning to look spooky! The children painted ghosts this week and made spiders! We did a Big Green Monster draw-along and are making new "stained glass" art to hang on our windows.

Word Work: The children have been working as a whole class on concept sorts for the past few weeks. We did fruit/not fruit and a shape sort. Our last concept sort was a sort that could be done more than one way. It was an animal/not animal sort, but also plant/animal/oddball. Flexibility with sorting is an important skill to develop as we move into word work. Beginning next week, the children will be grouped for word work based on their individualized sound writing assessments.  

Readers' Workshop: A big focus this week was that readers re-read to learn more and to think. Our readers are seeing new things as they re-read books and are noticing that pages go together/connect. They learned about using post-it notes to mark pages that made them think. They drew little sketches of themselves and added "pinches of you" to their pages. This helped prepare them to book talk with their partners.   

Writers' Workshop: Lots of time was spent stretching out words slowly to hear sounds and label our pictures/writing pieces. 

Math Workshop: We spent some time practicing logging into iReady, an on-line, interactive math instructional tool. It was great using our new touch screen/ tablet Surface Pros for the first time! The login process took some practice, but we are ready to get going on the individualized lessons next week during our math center time. We continue to work on sequencing/ordering number cards 0-20 and writing numbers.  

Some books we read:
Caps For Sale, The Cat in the Hat, There Was an Old Monster, Go Away, Big Green Monster

Up-coming Events:

  • No School- Monday, 10/9
  • Word of the Week- in
  • Handwriting- H and K
  • Phonics- qu
Wish List:
  • bags of inexpensive rice for our texture table
Enjoy the 3 day weekend!

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