Friday, October 17, 2014

October 17, 2014

Dear Fish Families:

Your amazing children have been making great choices and have filled our fish jar! They brainstormed a list of celebrations and voted to be allowed to chew gum in class on Monday. If you don't want your child participating in this, please send me an email. I will provide sugarless bubblegum for this reward! 

School pictures have arrived! They were sent home today. Re-takes are scheduled for Tuesday,10/28. If you would like a re-take, just send the pictures back to school on that day and we will bring the students down.

We will be having Mrs. Griffith, our school guidance counselor, in on Thursday, 10/23 to talk to the children about personal body safety at 12:30. We will be joining the Panda class for this talk. You are welcome to join us.

Here are some highlights of our week together:

Literacy Centers: The children have been working on properly forming the letters H and "karate kick" K. We have been building our sight words, finding the word see hidden in our rice table and in cinnamon sugar.  

Writers' Workshop:  Our writers are beginning to grasp the idea of a small moment and are writing great stories with 3 parts. Before writing, the children tell their story to a friend and tap out their plan on 3 fingers or on the 3 pages of the booklets. They were very excited to have books to write in instead of single sheets of paper. We continue to remind them to label pictures or attempt to write words. (Beginning sounds are our starting point with this.)  Some small moment mentor texts from this week include; When Sophie Gets Angry...Really, Really Angry and Kittens First Full Moon.  I have been doing lots of modeling with small moments from my life as well. 

Readers' Workshop:  The fish children practiced reading in self-selected spots this week. They continue to read independently and with partners. One day, they had alphabet books and found items that were the same and different in their books. We read Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr./Eric Carle focusing on our word of the week. We also used Silly Sally by Audrey Wood to review rhyming and to look at details in the pictures to give us hints about characters. 

Math:  We continue to represent numbers 0-10 using ten frames. We have been counting to tell the number of objects and learned that lined up objects are easier to count than scattered ones or ones arranged in a circle.  We learned about the rectangle and how it has 4 straight sides where the ones across from each other are the same length. The children noticed that a rectangle is a rectangle no matter which way it is rotated or how wide/thin it is.

Science:  We have begun science talks. The children sit in a circle and don't have to raise their hands. We established norms (rules) to help us be successful. We will be doing lots of practice with this.

Book of the Week:  Silly Sally by Audrey Wood

Song of the Week:  Nursery Rhyme Rap by Dr. Jean 

Up Coming Events:

  • Handwriting- L & U
  • Phonics- a (Our first vowel! Now we can start to sound out words!)
  • Word of the Week- an
  • Field Trip to the Portsmouth Music Hall- 10/21
  • Personal Body Awareness- 10/23 at 12:30
  • Halloween celebration- 10/30
  • Early Release for Parent Conference- 10/29 and 11/7 *Please email me to schedule if you haven't already.

Happy weekend!

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