Friday, February 21, 2014

Hi Families!

In March, our dramatic play area will become a grocery store. We are looking for clean food container donations and grocery bags to help stock our store. Let's re-purpose those empty cereal boxes and juice containers! We appreciate any help you can give us.

Here is a glimpse of our week in the fish class:

Language Arts: The Fish, Otters and Pandas held a "book museum" today. We celebrated all the wonderful things these kindergarten children are doing as writers. The fish had a list of things they are editing for at this point in the year. The checklist they used will be coming home next week. During reading, we have been adding to our reading tool box. We learned that strong readers read through the end of a word to figure it out. We also practiced making sure what we say (voice) matches the text on a page. This tracking skill is a very important one to learn! The children also did some simile writing inspired by our book of the week.

Math: Your mathematicians have been quite busy putting numeral in order and solving addition problems. We completed some pattern block puzzles this week and challenged ourselves to see if we could use 2 shapes to make a different shape. We also learned about standard and non-standard measurement using hearts, our feet and rulers. Be sure to ask your fish what s/he learned! The children began doing +1 flashcards as a math warm-up this week. Be looking for flashcard sets that will be coming home after the break.  
Visual Arts:  The children created shape collages using tissue paper. They sprayed them with water to make the colors bleed and did some marble painting over the collage.  

Book of the Week:  I Love You, Goodnight by John Buller & Susan Schade 

Up-coming Events:
  • Word of the Week-go
  • February Vacation- 2/24-2/28
  • School District Meeting- 3/7 at 7:00 Babysitting will be provided by the STA in the library. PTO is also sponsoring a movie night. 
  • Voting Day- 3/11
  • No School- 3/14 Teachers' Workshop

Happy Vacation Week!

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